How Does This Stuff Work, Anyway?
If you’ve installed a resource pack, you can use CITs!
CIT stands for Custom Item Textures, and is an Optifine resource pack feature for Minecraft: Java Edition. CIT resource packs allow you to decorate your world with custom 3D models by renaming an in-game item via an anvil, and then placing them inside of item frames. CITs are different from a mod, which means you don’t need to install multiple things or work around compatibility issues when playing on the latest version of Minecraft.
Minecraft mods, on the other hand, rely on mod loaders like Forge or Fabric. They work with only specific versions of the game and require you to have your game modded with mod loader in order to work in your game. Mods and CITs each have their advantages and disadvantages, but neither is better than the other!
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【Main Profile】
∙ Java Edition 1.18.1 + Sodium/Iris/Iridum
∙ FabricMC for 1.18.1: fabricmc.net
∙ MultiMC/PolyMC (for multi-profiles): multimc.org or polymc.org
Custom JVM Arguments: -Xmx12G
【Packs & Mods 】
Sodium + Fabric for 1.18+
note: I’m currently moving from Optifine to Sodium! (read more) This list is a work-in-progress, and will be updated frequently with stability improvements.
note 2: In light of the frequent downtime/outages of Curseforge lately, I’ve replaced where possible links to Modrinth, instead.
Fabric Loader & Core Functionality
Fabric Mod Loader: version 0.11 for 1.18.1
∙ fabricmc.net/use/installer
Fabric API
Core developer package required for running most Fabric mods.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/fabric-api
Rendering engine replacement for Optifine, which greatly improves frame rates and stuttering while fixing many graphical issues.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/sodium
An open-source, modern shaders mod compatible with Sodium.
∙ irisshaders.net/download
Any mod that uses the Fabric Rendering API will require Indium when used with Sodium.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/indium
Sodium Extra
Adds most of OptiFine’s “eye-candy” options to Sodium.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/sodium-extra
Fabric mod that re-writes the vanilla light engine to fix lighting performance and lighting errors.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/starlight
Fabric Mods
3D Skin Layers
Replaces the usually flat second layer of player skins with a 3D modeled version.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/3dskinlayers
CIT Resewn
MCPatcher’s CIT re-written outside of Optifine, as a standalone mod for Fabric.
Note: There are major compatibility issues with Ghoulcraft that the dev has labeled a wontfix here: github.com/SHsuperCM/CITResewn/issues/69
∙ modrinth.com/mod/cit-resewn
Cloth Config API
Adds in-game Fabric mod configuration and JSON adjustments.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/cloth-config
A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures and provides Optifine connected texture support.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/continuity
Cull Leaves
Adds culling to leaf blocks, providing a huge performance boost over vanilla.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/cull-leaves
Enhanced Block Entities
Improve FPS with block entities, and make them customizable with resource packs
∙ modrinth.com/mod/ebe
Entity Culling for Fabric
Using async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/entityculling
For taking large (and I mean large large) up to 32K resolution screenshots in-game.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabrishot
Falling Leaves
Makes leaf particles fall from leaf blocks.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/fallingleaves
Memory usage optimizations for Fabric.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ferritecore-fabric
Adds fireflies, glowworms in caves, and more.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illuminations
LambdaBetterGrass & LambDynamicLights
WYSIWYG: better grass and dynamic lights for Sodium.
∙ modrinth.com/user/LambdAurora
Makes the game boot faster by deferring non-essential initialization.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/lazydfu
Mod Menu
Adds a mod menu to view the list of mods you have installed.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/modmenu
Ok Zoomer
Adds a highly-configurable zoom key for Fabric.
∙ modrinth.com/mod/ok-zoomer
ReplayMod (Sodium-compatible version)
Record, relive and share your in-game experiences.
∙ replaymod.com/download
Allows you to sit on slabs and chairs.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sit-fabric
In-game selection tool for replacement, copy-paste, and inserting schematics.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit
Optifine + Fabric for 1.13 – 1.17
Fabric API
Core developer package required for running most Fabric mods.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-api
Fabric Language Kotlin
Kotlin language development package required for some Fabric mods.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-language-kotlin
Adds fireflies, glowworms in caves, and more.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illuminations
Translates Optifine for Forge to run alongside Fabric mods.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/optifabric
Mod Menu for Fabric
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/modmenu
ReplayMod for Fabric
Recording timelapses and speed builds.
Allows me to freely edit the world via commands.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit
Adds various flower cows + mushroom chickens from Minecraft Earth.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mooblooms
Sit on stairs or slabs via right-clicking.
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sit-fabric
Falling Leaves for Fabric
Leaves falling from leaf blocks and other customizations.
Modded Minecraft + Forge for 1.12
MultiMC Launcher
Forge Mod Loader (FML) with Log4j Exploit Fix for 1.12.2
Minia Turia
Lumen Legacy
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lumen
Hwyla, a fork of Waila
∙ curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hwyla
Seasonal Overlay Resource Packs
🌷 Spring
Fresh Leaves Blossoms & Jicklus Spring Blossom Overlay Pack
∙ (mizuno’s) planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fresh-leaves-blossoms/
∙ (vanilla) planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/jicklus-1-14-spring-blossom-addon/
🍂 Autumn
Jicklus 1.16 Orange Autumn Overlay Pack (with private edits)
∙ planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/jicklus-1-14-orange-autumn-addon
❄️ Winter
Just Upgrade It: Winter Edition (with private edits)
∙ planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/just-upgrade-it-winter-edition/
Hasukko’s Christmas Overlay (from the creator of Minia Turia)
∙ twitter.com/bisukko_m/status/940250831454027776
(note: File is password protected, unlock with “hasukko” when unzipping.)
Java Edition Shaders
BSL Shaders
Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders (Extreme Volumetric)
(note: I use this less frequently due to the purple window bug.)
∙ sildurs-shaders.github.io/downloads
SEUS PGTI (mainly E11)
∙ patreon.com/sonicether (paid, requires $10 tier)
Lightweight Shaders for Potatoes, Laptops, and MacOS Masterlist
∙ Ryzen 7 5800X w/Gigabyte B550I AORUS PRO
∙ MSi NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070, 8GB
∙ Windows 11 Pro on 2TB Samsung 870 EVO
∙ IQUNIX ZX-1 Aluminum Mini-ITX Case (250mm)
PCPartPicker: pcpartpicker.com/b/myJbt6
Part List on Amazon: amazon.com/shop/blisslein?listId=2JEGEEAKAWIIJ
∙ Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro & Adobe Photoshop
∙ Streaming: Streamlabs OBS
last updated 2 june 2022